Nithyananda Yoga – Evolution of New Species
Yoga is from the HINDU SHASTRAS and the originator of YOGA IS SADASHIVA HIMSELF!
This Source Book of Yoga revives the Pure Yoga which flourished from millenias ago in the enlightened Hindu Yogic civilization between the Saraswati, Ganga and Kaveri Rivers on this very land of Bharat (India). It was here that the ORIGINAL Yoga was revealed by Lord Sadashiva, the AdiYogi Himself, which came forth in the Veda-Agamas, the Source Books of Hinduism.
For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas – from the Veda-Agamas; with the Apta Pramanas, the enlightened experiences of the Enlightened Yogis, Rishis, Yogis, incarnations,
and Atma Pramana, Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s own experience of the truth, and Sakshi Pramanas, the experiences of the initiated disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
One of the first in series of the vast revelations in the Yoga Pada, the Yoga sections of the Agamas, this book serves to the true Yoga practitioner, or anyone who bends the body for Yoga – as the true undiluted source book to explore and experience the true Yoga with its infinite dimensions from the founder of Yoga, Lord Sadashiva, as revived by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
The comprehensive book includes the sections from Yoga scriptures on –
over 200 + Asanas illustrated, 350+ Pranayama, Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic Lifestyle, Yogic Diet, Yogic purification techniques, and more.
Yoga is from the HINDU SHASTRAS and the originator of YOGA IS SADASHIVA HIMSELF!
This Source Book of Yoga revives the Pure Yoga which flourished from millenias ago in the enlightened Hindu Yogic civilization between the Saraswati, Ganga and Kaveri Rivers on this very land of Bharat (India). It was here that the ORIGINAL Yoga was revealed by Lord Sadashiva, the AdiYogi Himself, which came forth in the Veda-Agamas, the Source Books of Hinduism.
For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas – from the Veda-Agamas; with the Apta Pramanas, the enlightened experiences of the Enlightened Yogis, Rishis, Yogis, incarnations,
and Atma Pramana, Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s own experience of the truth, and Sakshi Pramanas, the experiences of the initiated disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
One of the first in series of the vast revelations in the Yoga Pada, the Yoga sections of the Agamas, this book serves to the true Yoga practitioner, or anyone who bends the body for Yoga – as the true undiluted source book to explore and experience the true Yoga with its infinite dimensions from the founder of Yoga, Lord Sadashiva, as revived by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
The comprehensive book includes the sections from Yoga scriptures on –
over 200 + Asanas illustrated, 350+ Pranayama, Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic Lifestyle, Yogic Diet, Yogic purification techniques, and more.
Product Detail
- ISBN :
- Format : e-Book
- Language : English
- Pages : 696