Discovering Love : Hindi
Prem ki Samajh
Discovering Love, a yet another offering from Dhyaana Peetam, a movement started by Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Q and A format! LOVE is one subject on which the great spiritual master would rarely touch during his satsangs. So, now that you have laid your hands on / turned your eyes towards it better don’t let go of the opportunity to grab a copy for yourself!
Discovering Love, a yet another offering from Dhyaana Peetam, a movement started by Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Q and A format! LOVE is one subject on which the great spiritual master would rarely touch during his satsangs. So, now that you have laid your hands on / turned your eyes towards it better don’t let go of the opportunity to grab a copy for yourself!
A very brief introduction to the young guru and His mission form the content of the first two pages of this small and yet wonderful treasure! The very first question itself is stumping – What is love? From a spiritual master, one would expect to hardly hear anything other than “love for the divine”, “love of GOD” and so on. But then, here is the guru for the century who breaks that popular thought trend. The clarity with and depth from which the young master answers all the questions about love and related aspects leaves [at the most] only the reader’s / listener’s ego in between himself and accepting them. But as is the case with ALL his other books / answers, nothing – absolutely nothing – is forced upon the reader / listener for acceptance.
The questions that the Paramahamsa has answered in this book are certainly some ones that anyone would love an answer to, to help solve many problems in relationships. His answers are very lucid and are not idealistic, but directly workable in our lives. A couple of pages containing a partial list of His other offerings to help enrich / empower the world, and some photographs in which He sitting in meditative poses and in a blissfully enjoying mood conclude the book.
Product Detail
- ISBN : 978-1-934364-30-7
- Format : eBook
- Language : Hindi
- Pages : 68