Living Enlightenment – In Chinese
生活在開悟的智慧中 – 聖尊 尼希亞南達·帕冉瑪希瓦 上師
There is an extraordinary potential hidden inside every human being. If it is awakened it will take you to a much higher plane of consciousness – beyond the limitations of the human body-mind. Experience this superconsciousness, actualize your ultimate potential. This is the only aim of human life to enjoy the ultimate luxury of living enlightenment.
There is an extraordinary potential hidden inside every human being. If it is awakened it will take you to a much higher plane of consciousness – beyond the limitations of the human body-mind. Experience this superconsciousness, actualize your ultimate potential. This is the only aim of human life to enjoy the ultimate luxury of living enlightenment.
Product Detail
- ISBN :
- Format : eBook
- Language : Chinese
- Pages : 787