Open the door…Let the breeze in! : Gujarati
Dvaar kholo…pavanne andar avavado
Are you using only a fraction of your potential?
Is suffering actually a choice that you make?
What is ‘karma’?
What is ‘body intelligence’?
Do rituals and mantras have a scientific basis?
Paramhamsa Nithyananda answers many questions that you always had, and some you didn’t even know you had. There are no theories or metaphysical answers proposed here; only easy-to-use tools for effective and joyful living.
Learn about the deeper mysteries of life as you read the conversational teachings presented in “Open the Door, Let the Breeze In!” by Living Incarnation Incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda. With explanations on karma, suffering, exploring one’s true potential, astrology and more, you will expand your perceptions and align your understanding to reality. With His Holiness’s illuminating, compelling yet informal discourse on the subjects we find most obscure, we are able to digest the spiritual truths that he presents in “Open the Door, Let the Breeze In!”
Product Detail
- ISBN : --
- Format : eBook
- Language : Gujarati
- Pages : 164