Guaranteed Solutions
A wonderful book with beautiful pearls of wisdom that sink in you…with every word ringing in deep down in your heart and head! Shining with clarity and practicality it gives you tremedous freedom to understand and re-estabish your true freedom beyond guilts, fears, worries and desires! The meditation techniques prescribed in the book work like magic, especially try the Manipuraka mediataion if you are a chronic worrier or the swadhistana chakra meditation to overcome fears. You can find out for yourself ..which emotion blocks you from enjoying your life in totality and follow the meditation techinque that unblocks that chakra. It really work!
This book aims at bringing a radical understanding of your emotions. It introduces you to the vital Energy centers in your body called chakras, whose functioning has a direct bearing upon your physical and mental well-being. It explains the direct relationship between a particular emotion and its related chakra. You will learn about the subtle ways in which the emotion affects your physical and mental health. You will understand that the debilitating emotion is a mere shadow without an object. Powerful meditation techniques are imparted to handle the emotion as well. You will get the understanding that it is possible to lead a life free from the power this emotion wields over you. You will be helped to liberate yourself from the dilemmas of the mind and depression of your Being; to be free from the mental slavery that is keeping your spirit in bondage. You will create a space in you to flourish and reconnect with your inner core, with your true Self – which is beyond the body and the mind, which is pure and Eternal Bliss – Nithyananda!
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